Wednesday, 25 April 2012

I've been a busy bee

Hi, I may have been away from this blog forever but I've not been idle.  No indeedy.  I'm seriously contemplating (things don't happen fast round here) keeping some bees next year (see what I mean).  There is a thriving bee community on Gower that runs courses and supports novice beekeepers.  So this year I have sown zillions of flower seeds for my garden.  They are all bee-loving plants and, if the slugs don't get 'em first, will make my cottage garden a haven for insects and beautifully colourful too.
Here's the list of flowers I'm cultivating: (in case you want to help the beleagured bees too)

Echinacea, Cornflower, Calendula, Scabious, Chives, Cosmos, Achillea, Lavender (Munstead), Poppy, White Chrysanthemum (also known as Michaelmas daisies - much nicer name).  I already have quite a lot of flowers and herbs and Grumpy grows lots of veg but this will really boost the nectar bank.

If the weather ever rights itself, I plan to sit and enjoy the fruits of my labours later in the season and will post photos of the results here.

I was well impressed with the programmes presented by Sarah Raven on Bugs, Bees and Butterflies and her efforts to get local councils to sow swathes of unused land with wild flower meadow seeds.  I have contacted Swansea City Council and encouraged them to follow suit but, a month later, I'm still awaiting their reply.

Watch this space.

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